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lauantai 17. marraskuuta 2012

Vuoroin Vieraissa: Drycha

 Vuoroin Vieraissa jatkuu vielä! Tästä eteenpäin haasteet ilmestyvät samaan aikaan vierailijoiden tekstien kanssa. Haasteisiin on aikaa osallistua kaksi viikkoa ja osallistuneiden kesken arvotaan pieniä palkintoja. Toivottavasti mahdollisimman moni uskaltautuu ja innostuu kokeilemaan haasteita!

Blog takeover is still coing on! Some changes will be, Challenge will apear at the same post than the visitors post, and there will be two weeks time to paticipate to the challenge.  I hope to see many of you joining the challenges!

Tällä viikolla äänessä on upea Puolasta kotoisin oleva Karolina, johon olen saanut tutustua 3rd Eye:n kautta. Tervetuloa Karoliina!

I'm Karolina Stopyra aka Drycha from Poland.

 I always created: drawing, taking photos etc., I became interested in scrapbooking in spring 2008, love this form due to a combination of many elements... I love to learn new techniques and bring them together. Now I'm mixed media artist, love to create a lot of things; scrapbooking, cardmaking, jewelry, altered art, art dolls and others. I was featured in scrapbook and crafty magazines. I am the founder and designer of crafty brand "3rd Eye". I'm in DT Scraps of Darkness Kit Club for alternative scrappers and DT Na Strychu polish scrap store.

That's my first layout: "Hysteria" (2008) with lyrics from Muse's song with the same title.Music is very important to me when creating.
(I'm on this pic.)


I start my serious scrapbook journey with project called "ArtAlbum" - fusion of my photos, poems and paper. Almost every page from ArtAlbum have poem but part or them is hidden if they are too personal (as above).

I love to overheat, burn, add a lot of details (especially sparkling and glossy):

"Where are You?" (2009)

"Insomnia" (2009)
I wanted to share my poem wit that page. Translation from polish is terrible I think but... they're one.

I spoke yesterday at the sixth with the devil
told me about corpse in the bathtub and refrigerator
just came and woke me with fever

monotone closed old gates in a dream
before the meeting with the devil
I knew that a cat also stared blankly

stood in the middle of the room and waited until'll go crazy
reminded me of the skins wounds
the dull eyes of the mutilated faces of

encounter with the devil reflected in the memory
I killed all the thoughts, I go [to sleep] away
walked away and left a beautiful light on the walls

I think we can say that there's no styles. There are persons. In your works are things and techniques what You love.
Your creations are You.
Important is find Yourself in this huge ocean of possibilities. I always try to experiment. Explore. I embossed chipboard in oven once ;) I didn't have heat tool then and that was the reason but experiments are important!
Don't be afraid about change done work. If you don't feel new work - give it time.
You know I ripped all my first album? I always say that story on my classes ;) I start with standard 12x12inch pages but when I understood that's not my size (hell no!)... as I wrote - I ripped whole album and make it anew to 20x20cm (about8x8inch). That was fun!!!
Don't be afraid tear off something from work - that's one of creating ways! Destruction can be so inspiring.
Look for inspirations not only on scrap stores. I found tiny nails one day. I don't use nails to often 'cause paper is to thin ;) but love play with them ;)
frame, 2010
My style? Very detailed.

Work extremely difficult for photographing. You need minimum few photos to discover them.


My typical scrapbook pages - these non-emotional, not about moods, just about my life - are different. Less detailed, less mixedmedia, more flat. I try to make a lot of foldings for more photos, for example I don't make 10 pages for one event ;) I prefer little photos for my albums. In my private albums- photos, tickets, brochures are most important, not beautiful sparkling flower or awesome roses trim.


well baked page (2012) * castle ruins (2012)
b-day (2012) * Housewarming Party of my friends (2012)

Latest "100% Drycha" works:
Tons of medias, layers, tearing, distressing and details. That's me!


Hope You survived all these photos!!
I think showing thing like that is better than describe. At last I prefer externalize myself with paper, not novels ;)

Thank You so much for watching and thank you Minna for inviting me here. :)

Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational work Karolina!

Haaste / challenge!

Ota inspiraatiosi runosta! Valitse runo joka koskettaa, kuvaa jotakin itsellesi tärkeää. Tee sivu runon pohjalta, käytä runoa journalingissa tai virittäydy muuten vaan runon taajuudelle. Kirjoita oma runo tai valitse suosikkisi. Kuvita runon tunnelma työssäsi.

This week’s inspiration comes from poetry. Choose a poem what touches you. Make your page from the poem or use poem as your journaling. You can write your own poem or use your favorite one. Picturice the feeling and make your layout to look like the poem.

Haasteeseen voi osallistua 1.12 mennessä. Mukana olet linkittällä työsi tähän postaukseen. Osallistuvien kesken arvotaan palkinto. Kiitos osallistumisestasi!

The challenge will be open until 1.12. Publish your layout in your blog, comment to this post with the link to your post. There will be small raffle between all entries to this challenge.Thanks for joining us!

6 kommenttia:

  1. thanks karolina for your post! i loved to read about your style - you are so very talented!

  2. oh, i'dl like to join your challenge, but i have to go to the hospital soon :( i'd like to see your creation inspired by poetry :)

  3. Tässä oma runoleiskani. Here is my layout :)

  4. Minä täällä taas :) Dyrcha, wonderful pieces of art! You have a very powerful style!


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