Intohimona Skräppäys
Keväällä, 19.-21.4 järjestetään taas paperiaskartelijoiden keskuudessa odotettu tapahtuma Intohimona Skräppäys. Tänä vuonna kursseja on edellisvuosia enemmän ja ulkomaisten opettajien kaarti on upea!Kannattaakin käydä tutustumassa kurssitarjontaan täällä ja ilmoittautua mukaan. Viime vuosina tunnelma on ollut huippu hyvä ja viikonlopun parasta antia onkin ollut yhdessä tekeminen ja jakaminen. On todella mukavaa päästä samanhenkisten ihmisten seuraan juttelemaan paperiaskartelun hienoudesta, vertailemaan uutuus tuotteita ja inspiroitua kaikista ympärillä olevista luovista ihmisistä!
Itse tykkään erityisesti kursseista, joilla pääsee kokeilemaan asioita oman mukavuusalueen ulkopuolelta. Saa kokeilla erilaisia tekniikoita, materiaaleja ja medioita ilman että joutuu tekemään hankintoja.
Yksi kurssille osallistuvista opettajista on ihana Puolalainen Anna-Maria. Hänellä on ihana, raikas tyyli ja upeita yksityiskohtia.
Kannattaa käydä hakemassa inspiraatiota hänen töistään jo ennen tapahtumaa, sillä työt ovat upeita!
Laitoin pienen haastattelun kiireiselle opettajalle ja alta voittekin lukea mitä Anna-Marialle kuuluu!
So, first of all, welcome to Finland!
Is this your first time in Finland? Do you know anything about Finland or Finnish?
Yes, this will be my first time in Finland, I've never been there
before. What I know about the Finland? Well... I know where the Finland
is, I know that you have white nights, shorter days. That there are
cold, that you have yellow rapsberries (which I really adore), lovely
chocolate sweets... I know such little things about your country - but I
promise, before I arrive I will know much more :)
Could you tell as something about the workshops what you are teaching?
teach mixed-media workshops - using gesso, watercolours, mists, crayons
and gellos. I also show my students how to make a pencil doodlings and
how to combine the composition and
colour palette.
What does teaching mean to you?
That means a lot - I love to teach, I love meetings, making new friends and travelling!
Where do you find your inspiration?
I usually begin my work on the layouts with searching for any kind of inspiration: a picture, some fantastic scrapwork which has charmed me and urged to create something equally good, a view from the window, friends, a child, a funny situation. I often get inspired by quotations, poems, melodies ? I love music inspirations! I think they are most amusing, they evoke my deepest emotions; in music I find the greatest number of colours, hues and shades. On the other hand, words acquaint me with distinct forms: either these very simple, inostensible or, on the contrary, these most sophisticated, baroque ones.
You are part of quite many Design teams, what are they and what does it mean to be in DT?
I'm only in a few of them - because I really don;t have enough time for
designing. I'm in a creative scrapbook team in Studio Calico and of
course in ILS. What does it mean to me? It's an honour and great chance
to work with fab. products in a great
company :) But it's also a responsibility beacuse you can't fail.
Could you share your favorite project with us? And tell a bit about it?
can read everything about my project on my blog - I can;t choose my
favourites. I love them all, really - because all of them are challenges
for me and tell about different stories. All of these stories are
important for me - so I
can't choose only one and tell about them in generous.
Thank you so much Anna-Maria and see you soon!
Thank you so much nad I can;t wait to see you in your country!
Anna-Maria Wolniak